
We don’t turn our back on nothing
Besides collecting on our own we implement with our network of non-profit organisations, schools, municipalities and retail diverse collection concepts based on partnership. Here we use stationary contact points, online and indoor areas as well as one time collecting activities.
Therefore we use standardized systems within decentralized structures. This allows for short transport routes and also reduces pollution due to a smaller CO2 emission. This way we collect commonly more than 100.000 tons of used textiles.
What kind of collecting concept do you want to realize?

Nothing is more constant than change
Sorting work is manual work. It definitely needs sensitivity to secure further use and recycling. Here we do not only distinguish between most recent fashion trends but also carefully double-check the signs of wear.
The result is striking: there are more than 350 different varieties of wearable clothing and textile recyclables generated in this process. Some 600 employees of ours are sorting about 100.000 tons of used textiles per year.

All’s well that ends well
Today approximately 35 percent of used textiles are processed by recycling into cleaning rags, teared fibres for insulants or fillers. It is our objective to keep textiles by multiple recycling runs in the loop as secondary raw material. Only this way negative environmental impact can be avoided by generating at the same time sustainable resources for the future manufacturing of textiles. This is why Boer Group Recycling Solutions supports innovative projects, in which new textile reycling methods are being developed. Moreover our recycling operation Frankenhuis is investing in other technologies in order to produce high-quality raw materials for the textile industry.

To be in good hands
We are the competent contact partner and take on social responsibility for all matters of collecting used textiles by supporting and advising non-profit organisations and social associations. We foster aid agencies, social communities and schools by taking over respective partnerships.

Transparency along the line
Cities and municipalities, that wish to realise its commitment for the seperate collection of used textiles are in good hands with us. Preparing for reuse takes place in Germany, Belgium or in the Netherlands. This makes sure that all collected used textiles are high-value recovered and in line with the waste hierarchy. Our material flow documentation, needed for your waste law responsibility, is proving this.

Custom tailored logistic concepts
We provide custom tailored logistic concepts both for retail and manufacturers with their brands, following a careful upfront analysis. We take care as well of solutions for the recycling of overstocks, customer returns and seasonal remainders that can no longer be commercially exploited.
In case a reuse marketing is not feasible due to trademark restrictions, textile waste will be transfered into the recycling loop. We are thus backing the implementation of the duty of care according to the current legal situation.
Recycling on demand
No solution not yet found – please contact us. Together we certainly will find a way. Our experience, gained in the networks of Boer Group, allows us to offer custom tailored concepts for your objectives – of course in close consultation with you. Together we will create a consumer-friendly sustainable success story.